© 2012 , SR-Meteorites, All Rights Reserved

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A unique and unpaired Lunar meteorite and a new type of Lunar Basalt, the youngest age ever found. It represents a so far otherwise unsampled mantle source.

Only a few pieces left for sale.
NWA 4898
Lunar basalt
Welcome to SR-Meteorites - rare meteorites for science and collectors
NWA 7324 (prov.) EH Melt Rock
Tkw 540 g, find 2012
Classified by Dr. Anthony Irving / Washington University
(The classification was corrected by Dr. Irving from EL melt rock to EH melt rock, based on high Si content in the metal and the presence of niningerite, a sulfide which is typical for EH chondrites.)

Polished slices and end pieces at only $30/g!

© 2012 , SR-Meteorites, All Rights Reserved

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NWA 7324

54.693 g end cut, polished

Back side

Price $1640 Email

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NWA 7324

33.705 g slice, polished

Price $1011 Email

NWA 7324

28.677 g slice, polished

Price $860 Email

NWA 7324

22.334 g slice, polished


NWA 7324

16.154 g part slice, polished

Price $484 Email

NWA 7324

12.797g part slice, polished


nwa7324-54.693g-end1.JPG nwa7324-33.705g.JPG nwa7324-28.677g.JPG nwa7324-22.334g.JPG nwa7324-16.154g.JPG nwa7324-12.797g.JPG

NWA 7324

12.267 g part slice, polished

Price $368 Email

NWA 7324

10.070 g part slice, polished

Price $302 Email

NWA 7324

9.856 g part slice, polished


NWA 7324

9.483 g part slice, polished


NWA 7324

8.785 g part slice, polished


NWA 7324

7.771 g part slice, polished


nwa7324-12.267g.JPG nwa7324-10.070g.JPG nwa7324-9.856g.JPG nwa7324-9.483g.JPG nwa7324-8.785g.JPG nwa7324-7.771g.JPG

NWA 7324

7.669 g part slice, polished

on hold

NWA 7324

7.292 g part slice, polished


NWA 7324

6.626 g part slice, polished


nwa7324-7.669g.JPG nwa7324-7.292g.JPG nwa7324-6.626g.JPG

NWA 7324

6.471 g part slice, polished

on hold


NWA 7324

6.447g part slice, polished

on hold


NWA 7324

6.374 g part slice, polished



NWA 7324

5.911 g part slice, polished

on hold

NWA 7324

5.515 g part slice, polished

on hold
